Arise acrylic corncob of rectitude!

Alas!  I have returned!  From what you say?
Never you mind!  The great message here is that I am back.

I never actually went anywhere.  Yes, I stopped feeding your hunger with tidbits of creativity and rational expression, and yes, you haven’t seen my weekly comic for over a month.  Am I sorry?  Are you kidding?

Let me tell you, the last few weeks have been crazy.  This semester, my classes are filling my backpack with projects and assignments, enforcing commitment and denying me of sleep.  Whimper all you want, but my work comes first.

As well, as I mentioned some time ago, something extremely exciting is bubbling just below the surface, and I want to completely confirm it before tromping on my luck.  Things are going well for the Quad, so to speak.  I’d like to publicly congratulate my roommate right now.  Yay!

I’ll be going back to Norwich for a week this Friday, so I should have some time to do some updates.  I’ve just been very tired, and by the time I get everything done for my classes, the tank is empty.

As for the comics, if you want more, you are going to have to ask nicely.

