A very dear friend of mine passed away yesterday morning after the car she was in hit a patch of black ice. Nearly everyone I know from Oneonta knew her, and loves her. She was an amazing person. For those of you who were even closer to her than I, I can’t imagine what you are going through. I want you all to know that I am there for you if you need anything. Be strong, no matter how hard it is. Even if you were never able to tell her how much you appreciated her, and how much you cared, I think she already knew.

There was a snow angel outside in front of our common room window yesterday morning.

Sara will always be missed; I think it’s a mutual feeling between everyone who had met her. Her smile was contagious, her spirit enlightening. Those closest to her could only have been so proud, so whisked away by her presence, her very character, as she had the marrow and compassion of no other. Sara would welcome anyone into her aurora of kindness. She was hard working, intelligent, and very warming. We will never forget her. I and many others loved her dearly. With the deepest candor, I wish the best for her dearest friends, family, and acquaintances.

I would like to add, for all of my friends, that I wish you all a happy Thanksgiving, and hope you all have a safe and enjoyable break. I really do appreciate and care about each and every one of you. If anyone needs anything at all, please, don’t be afraid to contact me.