Two Months In – Here’s What I Learned

If all you do is learn, you need to learn to do, slacker.


The whole concept of making myself publicly accountable for my goals was to result in an extra dipping sauce of priority to what, I was lead to believe, some personally important bullet points. I mean, this junk is a pretty big deal to me I guess, but let’s make a promise to the world that we’ll do it, because, I don’t know… Peer pressure? Let’s see how our hero has fared.

(I was going to copy/paste my punch list, and strike out what I’ve done, but that was looking too sad. Instead, here’s the abridged version)

  • 31-Day Journal Challenge
  • Read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
  • Drafted my personal mission statement
  • Sketched a day for a few days before getting bored


It’s worth mentioning that I’ve been doing a lot of other learning these past few months. It would be a fair estimation that at nearly two hours were spent almost every day reading, absorbing, and taking notes. There lies the problem; I’m not doing.

Reading is great. Planning and preparing is fine. However, there comes a point where you just need to sit the fuck down and make something, even if you know it’s going to come out looking like you were an asshat for even trying.

Better to be an asshat for trying than an asshat for talking about trying.


But I Did Accomplish Something

All isn’t lost. At the risk of sounding like I’m grasping at straws, I think I have something to show for all of this. First, if you haven’t read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, I highly recommend it. I took a lot from it. Between the exercises in the book and my journaling challenge, I started to hone in what was really important to me. Was it deeply important to me that I read a couple dozen books this year? No. However the subject matter in some of these books is important to me.

Before we step away from the books, I also don’t think most of them will take as long to read as 7 Habits, since I wrote over 13 pages of notes and have taken actions to install the habits into my life.

The most critical takeaway from all of this is the fact that I’ve honed in my goals further. After establishing what is really important to me, I’ve broken my current goals into three digestible paradigms

  1. Lose Weight
  2. Do More, Create More
  3. Make Life Better

Duh Doy?

I’ll still keep reading and working towards my other projects, but for now I’m keeping the topics simple and vague.

That’s all I want to say right now, but the well hasn’t dried up yet. Expect more.


