I wish I had a big red button under a plastic flip-top safety, that when pressed once initiates a mechanical speaker preparation procedure. No matter where I am, two speakers the size of grain silos would rise from the ground, towering over me, dark and...
by Christopher Lynk | September 3, 2006 | Darkhive | 0 comments
Like a Paladin achieving wholeness with the Light, I have reached the end of a grand episode. From behind a smoking gun, I stand proudly. My quest is concluded only with...
How Dare They?
by Christopher Lynk | August 24, 2006 | Darkhive | 0 comments
If you recall my last post, I mentioned the Grand Council of Planeteers deciding to add a few celestial objects to the Sol System’s planet roster. These new objects...
When the Luna Hits Lynk’s Eye
by Christopher Lynk | August 18, 2006 | Darkhive | 0 comments
With my security still very much compromised, I feel unable to dissertate certain topics. Like I’ve stated so many times, if you are offended by what I have to say, it...
The Ladder of Choice
by Christopher Lynk | August 10, 2006 | Darkhive | 0 comments
I admit, humbly, I hold key to many talents. I know a few like me, and they face the same frustrations. Apropos to those who are bursting with “teh madd...
Where Do You Think You’re Going?
by Christopher Lynk | July 25, 2006 | Darkhive | 0 comments
Hey folks! Certain sections of this journal are now blocked off from those who aren’t on my friends list! Guess what! If you aren’t on the list, you don’t...
Full Stalk
by Christopher Lynk | July 21, 2006 | Darkhive | 0 comments
This evening, on Cartoon Network, during their Cartoon Fridays, a band of witty, rebellious youngsters who call themselves “Morning Wood,” will be making a...
A Tall Glass of Brains
by Christopher Lynk | July 19, 2006 | Darkhive | 0 comments
That guy… You see him all the time. He’s not a very sophisticated guy, he’s got a pick-up truck. This probably translates to his need for compensation due...
I’m in the drink…
by Christopher Lynk | July 14, 2006 | Darkhive | 0 comments
From the quill of Lynk comes a tale not of retrogression, perhaps a complete debasement of the folklore you were once subscribed to, for now Lynk has got nothing but a...
Say Revelation
by Christopher Lynk | July 3, 2006 | Darkhive | 0 comments
While settling with mediocrity might be for the majority of ape-descendents on this sad, pathetic little dot, I will not stand for it. While I’ve been saying this for...
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